
1. Act XX. of the year 1949 the constitution of the hungarian republic
    Chapter XIII. The Basic Priniciples of Elections

2. Act No. XXXIV of 1989 on the Election of Members of Parliament

    Part One: Suffrage

    Part Two: The electoral system
      Chapter I.: Members of Parliament
        Chapter II.: Nomination
        Chapter III.: Determination of Election Results

    Part Three: Electoral procedures
  Chapters IV to X cancelled
        Chapter XI: By-elections
        Chapter XII: Final Provisions
            Appendix 2. [to para. b) of Art. 52.]
            Appendix 3. [to para. c) of Art. 52.]
            Appendix 4. [to subpara. d) of Art. 52.]

3. Act C. of the year 1997 on the electoral procedure (selection)

    Part I. General provisions
Chapter I.: Basic Rules 
        Chapter II.:Publicity of the electroral procedure
        Chapter III.: Constituencies, polling stations
        Chapter IV.: Recording rights of voting
        Chapter V.: Electoral authorities
        Chapter VI.: Election campaign
        Chapter VII.: Proposal and nomination of candidates
        Chapter VIII.: Voiting
        Chapter IX.: Summarisation of votes
        Chapter X.: Legal remedies

    Part II. Special provisions
Chapter XI.: Election of members of Parliament

    Part III. Closing provisions
        Chapter XVII.: Provisions for interpretation
        Chapter XVIII.: Coming into force and execution of the act
            Appendix 1. of the Act C of the year 1997.
            Appendix 2. of the Act C of the Year 1997.
Appendix 3. of the Act C of the Year 1997. 

4. Measure 5/1998 (III. 23.) of the head of the national election office on the observation by foreigners of the election of Members of Parliament to be held on 10 and 24 May, 1998